Locate staff and assets
Has a security guard checked this area? Where is the nearest wheelchair? Do we have enough staff in this area? These are questions which the Steerpath app can answer.
Has a security guard checked this area? Where is the nearest wheelchair? Do we have enough staff in this area? These are questions which the Steerpath app can answer.
Public Safety
Sports Events And Conferences
Cities And Municipalities
Location Indoor Or Outdoor
The Steerpath app enables position services to work also where GPS is not available. Tactilon Dabat and mobile phone users can use location based services on their phone and share their location with others
Dispatchers can see in real time where people are, whether outdoors or indoors. Accurate location information is clear on Steerpath’s map view.
Use location information as part of decision making – outdoors and indoors.
Main features
Unique characteristics
Easiest indoor positioning deployment on the market.