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Want a smooth evolution to broadband? Get 3 things right and you're good to go »

You’re keen to offer broadband to your professional network users and want a stress-free evolution towards it – but do you know the three key things that will ensure it all goes without a hitch? There’s no great secret - an IP backbone, a focus on network experience and the ability to handle both PMR and broadband will put you on the right road.

29 Jan 2016 by Päivi Laakso-Kuivalainen  |  5 min read
Critical communications

What are people thinking about professional apps? »

Nearly three-quarters of professional organisations are either using or planning to use mobile apps in the near future. These users are taking the app message onboard and making use of the many advantages that apps have to offer in critical communications.

15 Jan 2016 by Mika Myllymäki  |  2 min read
Public safety apps

Smooth operators - what do the best performing airports have in common? »

It’s very likely that you have travelled at least through one airport in 2015. And even if you didn’t, you are certain to know that modern airports are very much like small cities or large villages. Hundreds or thousands of people work there to ensure smooth passage for the travellers.

8 Jan 2016 by Tapio Mäkinen  |  4 min read
Airport comms

10 brilliant public safety apps for professionals »

Police officers could scan crowds for known criminals, fugitives, or terrorists using facial recognition applications. Commanding officers could soon be able to track firefighters inside burning buildings where GPS does not go. And emergency medical care personnel could soon be able to observe patients for symptoms — before the ambulance reaches the scene of the accident. Which applications would...

18 Dec 2015 by Mika Myllymäki  |  5 min read
Public safety apps

Five ways TETRA paging will transform your work »

When alerting your staff, do you always know who got the call? How many are on their way to help? Active paging over TETRA can give you the answers.

4 Dec 2015 by Antti Eskelinen  |  3 min read

To modernize or not - that is not a question for the BOS »

Since I work for a PMR manufacturer, I usually get a customer's view on technical details only. In the PMR Expo conference, however, I got too see the big picture. The big picture of the world's biggest public safety TETRA network.

27 Nov 2015 by Päivi Laakso-Kuivalainen  |  2 min read
Critical communications

The 10 things that make a PMR radio easy to use »

You use your radio every day. You need it to be reliable and also easy to use. You know how to use a familiar radio, of course, but how do you know if a model that is new to you will be easy to use? How can you choose? The following are the ten most critical questions on usability. Check these when you are comparing radios and want to choose the easiest to use Tetrapol or TETRA radio.

6 Nov 2015 by Bruno Milard  |  8 min read
Critical communications

New ideas for paging »

Think about a pager. Did you imagine a small beeping device? That only displayed a number to call as soon as possible? If you did, your idea is old. Paging today can offer much more!

30 Oct 2015 by Antti Eskelinen  |  5 min read

Public safety? There's an app for that »

This is the age of the app. We have all become used to the power of running apps on our smartphones – so why should public safety workers be left out? Public safety organisations have huge opportunities with new smart devices and new apps. These become possible in hybrid networks that combine the extremely secure and reliable TETRA/Tetrapol networks with mobile broadband data services. Public...

16 Oct 2015 by Mika Myllymäki  |  4 min read
Public safety apps