The Mission Is Critical blog

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Why a hybrid network is a great idea for airports »

Arriving at an airport, whether for a holiday or a business trip, you expect things to go smoothly. Check-in, security, luggage handling, boarding – all depend on good communications. This blog post explains why a hybrid TETRA/broadband network really meets an airport’s needs.

9 Jun 2017 by Tapio Mäkinen  |  4 min read
Airport comms, TETRA and 5G

How to fix 4 common problems for medical teams »

All medical professionals face the same problem – constantly up against the clock while trying to save lives. This involves plenty of teamwork, particularly in trauma teams and emergency surgery. Delaying an extra second could mean someone’s life, so it’s vital that team members work together seamlessly. But even the most efficient teams need a little help.Professional radio communications can...

2 Jun 2017 by Jouni Kemppainen  |  6 min read
Critical communications, TETRA radios, Comms for medical teams

A few of my favourite things at CCW 2017 »

This year saw my second CCW event, but it was far from being a case of “Déjà-vu”. In my earlier blog post I promised that Airbus would not repeat itself and we did some things very differently. Here are five of my favourites:

26 May 2017 by Igor Vinogradoff  |  5 min read
Critical communications, Events

What is the professional approach to smartphone security? »

Applications for smartphones go together like strawberries and cream – but where there are apps, there is danger for the smartphone user. Because they are widely used and easy to develop software for, cybercriminals are increasingly targeted Android-based and other mobile devices, using apps as a way in. How should professionals safeguard against this threat?

12 May 2017 by Christophe Calvez  |  3 min read
Public safety apps, Critical communications

Which apps would professionals like to use? »

Let’s get one thing straight – smartphones and apps aren't just for consumers. Professional organisations, including police, fire fighters and paramedics, are using apps. But which apps are they using and what would they like to use more of? The second Airbus Mobile App Survey provides some of the answers.

21 Apr 2017 by Mika Myllymäki  |  3 min read
Public safety apps, Critical communications

What makes a great user management tool for hybrid networks? »

If your organization has both smartphone users and PMR radio users, are you managing them in the best way? Some users will carry both devices, and will be on different networks. How can you stay on top if your subscriber management tools are separate? There are several characteristics that separate superb subscriber management from the rest of the pack. Here are five must-haves for efficient...

31 Mar 2017 by Rahim Zaknoun  |  6 min read
Public safety apps, Critical communications, TETRA and 5G

Making the difficult easier - ISI is coming to life »

TETRA is a marvelous tool for communicating between individuals, groups and organisations but what of the next level – between whole countries? It is certainly possible – the Inter System Interface or ISI has been around for some years but only now is it really starting to bring practical results as countries link up their authority TETRA networks.

24 Mar 2017 by Tapio Mäkinen  |  4 min read
Critical communications, TETRA and 5G

Active paging lets you know who’s ready to help »

Modern pagers don’t just go beep. Two-way comms let you know exactly who is coming to help with your emergency.

3 Mar 2017 by Petra Vakiala  |  3 min read

How to avoid 5 communication challenges thanks to your radio »

Do you find your radios difficult to use? Ever have the signal drop out, cutting you off from dispatchers? Read on to discover how TETRA radios can solve these challenges as well as others that users and the network may face.

3 Feb 2017 by Jukka Saari  |  5 min read
Critical communications, TETRA radios