The Mission Is Critical blog | Critical communications (9)

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The question you should ask when people use TETRA radios and smartphones »

An increasing number of professional organizations seem to have started adopting broadband simply by taking out cellular subscriptions, in much the same way as the consumer world works. This can of course solve many short-term issues and even improve the efficiency of a single person. Yet, there is a risk if the organization doesn’t ask one important question before launching into action:

25 Nov 2016 by Rahim Zaknoun  |  5 min read
Critical communications, TETRA radios, TETRA and 5G

TETRA on a smartphone - and four other gains from a modernized network »

You are running your faithful, reliable TETRA network and it is serving you well. It ain’t broke, so you aren’t thinking of fixing it. But maybe your TETRA network could serve you or your customers even better. For example, did you know that networks running the latest software could give you five very attractive new options?

18 Nov 2016 by Päivi Laakso-Kuivalainen  |  4 min read
Critical communications

Could these nine professional applications work for you too? »

We hear a lot about public safety applications, or apps, designed for professionals, but how would they work in real life? How would a police officer or paramedic actually use them to make their working day go more smoothly? Take police officer John, for example. During the first half hour of his working day, he could easily need and benefit from the following nine apps – and more.

11 Nov 2016 by Mika Myllymäki  |  5 min read
Public safety apps, Critical communications

A professional application that could save your life »

At a major accident, casualties need to be treated as soon as possible. But what if there are more injured people than ambulances to carry them? The solution is effective triage – deciding who needs to get to hospital immediately and who can be treated later or at the scene. Today it’s done manually using coloured paper labels – but there is a better way.

28 Oct 2016 by Jouni Kemppainen  |  3 min read
Critical communications, TETRA radios, Comms for medical teams

What do these outstanding metro companies have in common? »

What do these metro companies have in common: Shenzhen Metro in China, RATP Paris in France, Malaga Metro in Spain, and BVG Berlin Metro in Germany? And how is the Helsinki metro the same with a difference? They all have three vital needs for professional communications, but these companies have something else in common as well.

7 Oct 2016 by Tapio Mäkinen  |  7 min read
Critical communications

Expert advice: 5 things that professional push-to-talk can do »

The group call is the most important feature in professional radio communication. With one simple, push-to-talk button, a user is connected to many colleagues at the same time. It’s the ultimate in working together and is very easy to use in professional radio systems such as TETRA. In contrast, in cellular systems, linking up several people to talk together requires setting up a conference call...

19 Aug 2016 by Tiina Saaristo  |  8 min read
Critical communications

Do you think PMR evolution is only a question of technology? »

The near future will see more and more calls to emergency centres arriving in a digital format. There are 5 important reminders of making multimedia-capable critical communication networks happen. And it is not only a question of technology!

5 Aug 2016 by Päivi Laakso-Kuivalainen  |  4 min read
Critical communications

How to be right about PMR evolution to public safety broadband »

Imagine how much better a fire and rescue service could work if its staff could easily send live video images of the incident to the control room. Or if a police officer could complete their admin tasks during a coffee break, while remaining in their patrol car, out on the beat? Broadband technologies can make these opportunities real for public safety organizations. But how do we get to this new...

3 Jun 2016 by Päivi Laakso-Kuivalainen  |  3 min read
Critical communications

Want a smooth evolution to broadband? Get 3 things right and you're good to go »

You’re keen to offer broadband to your professional network users and want a stress-free evolution towards it – but do you know the three key things that will ensure it all goes without a hitch? There’s no great secret - an IP backbone, a focus on network experience and the ability to handle both PMR and broadband will put you on the right road.

29 Jan 2016 by Päivi Laakso-Kuivalainen  |  5 min read
Critical communications