World Ski Championships in Sweden 2015

Sweden's nationwide public safety network Rakel helped secure the World Ski Championships in Falun, Sweden in 2015. Authorities and event organizers communicated over the Rakel network. Their seamless cooperation helped ensure that the athletes and sports fans enjoyed a safe, well-organized sports event.

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Success in Falun

Big numbers

The championships event was a huge success and featured some big numbers:

  • 1800 volunteers involved
  • 228,000 tickets sold
  • 281,600 visitors at the event
  • over 500 million TV viewers.

Compare the numbers to this: the Falun municipality has around 56,000 inhabitants.

Falun Ski World Championships 2015 - signage

Well prepared

“IT and Samband” in charge of the security of the municipality decided to increase the local communication capacity because of the Falun World Championships related RAKEL traffic. They set up an additional 4-carrier mobile base station.

TH1n radios in use

The command staff of the Championships (the VM employees and the blue light organizations) communicated together exclusively over the Rakel network. 

The VM-General, the Security Manager and the Communication Manager - chose the TH1n radios for their communication.

Flags at Falun Ski World Championships 2015

Rakel radios in Falun

The Falun Municipality use around 55 TH1n slimline TETRA radios.

The Falun Energy and Water have around 40 TH1n TETRA radios.

Säter and Borlänge, Falun's neighboring municipalities also use Rakel radios from Airbus.





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