Public Safety and Security / Segments


Broadband solutions, hybrid networks, secure critical communications and professional apps

Scroll down, find your segment and get a selection of helpful materials tailored for you.

If you are more interested in products, please browse the complete product portfolio.

Communications for police

Police organizations need modern communication solutions that meet their critical needs. Take a look at communication solutions for police.

Modern solutions for police


Communications for smart airports

Everything comes together at smart airports, and every function needs to cooperate seamlessly. Learn about communication solutions for your airport. These help ensure that the right people can share the right information at the right time.

Streamline your operations



Communications for fire and rescue

Radios continue to be an important lifeline for fire and rescue teams, and modern, hybrid communications and smart apps can further improve their situational picture. Learn more about modern solutions for fire and rescue.

Top tips for every firefighter



Solutions for operators

Broadband solutions give public safety and critical businesses new tools to better manage difficult situations. Thanks to hybrid solutions, PMR operators will play an important role also in the future. Take a closer look at  solutions for PMR operators.

Delivering critical communications



Communications for medical teams

Healthcare, hospitals and ambulances – medical professionals can gain amazing benefits from group communications. But how? Take a look at communications for the healthcare segment.

Life-saving communications



Solutions for transportation companies

Metros, buses, trains. Billions of people use convenient and safe public transportation every day. Communication and collaboration solutions help transportation companies meet the high expectations of their customers.

Keeping things running smoothly



Communications for demanding industries

Energy companies operate in some of the world's most challenging environments. Any disruption is costly. Problems must be corrected quickly and efficiently. Take a look at communication solutions which support the solving of problems as well as day-to-day operations.

Essential for energy companies



Solutions for crisis management

Robust mission critical communications

When you need to communicate to save lives, you need solutions that maintain the communications whether you operate in fixed sites or work mobile around the mission area. Learn more about the five typical use cases for crisis management communications.

Reliable and built to need



Solutions for Mobile Network Operators

Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are key players in the critical communications transformation to broadband. Learn how MNOs can enable the broadband services that critical enterprises and the public sector need.

Critical communications of the future



Service Operators

Making broadband evolution happen

A Service Operator is a special, critical communications focused, secure Mobile Virtual Network Operator who provides a broadband service to its customers without owning all network infrastructure. Learn more about Service Operators and why they are a good idea.

How to complement radio communications with 4G/5G



TETRA and Tetrapol customers

Who are the users?

Across the globe, professionals rely on their digital radios when it matters. Secure radio networks help them do their work and keep safe.

Take a look at the special Customer Stories area.

User organizations are also featured in the Reader Stories in Key Touch magazine.

Shock-proof networks

How professional radio communication helps tackle extreme circumstances.

Download the white paper to learn about challenges related to exceptional circumstances and about actual solutions that have helped emergency services cope with extreme situations.

More information

How to minimize risks when introducing mission-critical broadband


Latest blog posts

28 May 2024

4 Most Common Challenges in Airport Communications

25 April 2024

3 reasons to have CCW every year

15 April 2024

2 Real-life cases on how to address coverage gaps and ensure broadband capacity

19 February 2024

How to extend broadband coverage for critical communications users?

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The Secure Comms blog gives you insights into the critical communications future, secure and critical communications, public safety and other professional apps, current events, Tetrapol and TETRA radios, and active paging, for example.

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