Viewcor® network analyzer

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Visualize the radio network

Viewcor collects, visualizes and analyzes TETRA network data in real time.

Viewcor can can show the status of the radio network presented as maps, tables, trend graphs and reports. It is easy to understand what is happening in the network.

For example, Viewcor can show

  • the status of base station air interfaces for each channel
  • the status of the radio network and radio coverage on a map
  • the current status as well as historical views.
Viewcor provides visual information that helps people in an emergency centre and those who manage operations make the right decisions.

Viewcor evolution

For hybrid networks

Controlling service quality is a new challenge for the service operator when Mobile Network Operator (MNO) networks are involved. Viewcor solves this by providing service quality analytics and visualizing the network’s service level.

The provider of critical communications services will stay up-to-date on the level of service quality that users experience.

Viewcor evolution can show 

  • Real time analytics
  • Visualisation and reports on network coverage, availability, data throughput
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) reporting on service quality
  • Reporting based on Viewcor clients in user devices.

No integration with the MNO network needed.


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Viewcor in more detail


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