Public Safety and Security / Resources library

    Resources library

    The new era of critical collaboration

    Agnet is the next-generation collaboration solution, designed for public safety. It gives professional users reliable access to mission-critical services, which deliver far more than push-to-talk over broadband, such as data, video and location services.

    Learn more about Agnet and how it is the perfect way to move your communications into the future and adopt 4G/5G capabilities.



    Download Brochure

    Agnet Over Satcom

    Satellite connectivity to extend the 4G/5G coverage

    Agnet is designed for critical communications and offers secure and reliable connectivity over 4G/5G networks. However, backup connectivity may be needed when in rural areas, for disaster relief or in case of temporary power outages impacting 4G/5G availability.

    Agnet over Satcom offers added resilience and extended coverage and capacity for professional users to continue to communicate without interruptions even in most demanding situations.



    Download white paper now

    What 5G could mean for mission-critical users – right now?

    5 examples of never-before-seen opportunities

    Learn why public safety and professional organizations should be looking at 5G mission-critical broadband now.

    Discover five fascinating examples of the new 5G capabilities in mission-critical use – and learn why transition towards 5G might be a good idea. Download this white paper now!



    Download white paper now

    How to migrate from TETRA to 4G/5G broadband?

    Build a smart roadmap and avoid the most common mistakes!

    Learn why public safety organizations and enterprises should be looking at mission critical broadband now.

    Discover the opportunities and the risks, the do's and dont's – and see how your broadband migration could be a success. Download this white paper now!



    Download the white paper now!

    Guide for MNOs

    How to generate revenue from 5G

    Critical communications over broadband is a service with huge potential and one that Mobile Network Operators can offer as a trusted partner.

    Learn more – Download this guide! It describes how critical push-to-talk and push-to-x services can create new revenue.



    Download this practical guide now

    Mobile apps survey reports

    Trusted source of information since 2016

    How do public safety and other professionals use mobile apps? What are their plans and expectations for the future? To get answers to these questions, Airbus launched its first survey on the professional mobile apps market in 2016.

    In 2020, a record number of 544 people responded to the annual mobile apps survey. There's an ever-growing interest in professional mobile apps, and the survey has established itself as a trusted source of information.

    You can now find all the reports since 2016 conveniently in one place:

    Go to Mobile app trends site

    All reports in one place!

    Find the figures and trends from the past six years – all in one place. Go to this site now!

    Rescue worker holding a smartphone which has video on screen


    White papers

    Agnet Over Satcom

    Agnet offers secure and reliable connectivity over 4G/5G networks. However, backup connectivity may be needed when in rural areas.

    Agnet over Satcom offers added resilience and extended coverage and capacity for professional users to continue to communicate without interruptions even in most demanding situations.

    What 5G could mean for mission critical users - right now?

    Learn why public safety and professional organizations should be looking at 5G mission-critical broadband now.

    Discover five fascinating examples of the new 5G capabilities in mission-critical use – and learn why transition towards 5G might be a good idea.

    How to migrate from TETRA to 4G/5G broadband?

    Learn why public safety organizations and enterprises should be looking at mission critical broadband now.

    Discover the opportunities and the risks, the do's and dont's - and see how your broadband migration could be a success. 

    How to get mission critical broadband - fast

    Could the Taira solution help you reach new opportunities? Learn how Taira can  offer you the fastest route from your narrowband legacy communications to 5G and beyond.

    How to manage smartphone-related security risks

    Learn how to guard against risks related to five areas:  the device itself, data, applications, infrastructure, and people.

    How to manage smartphone risks for professional users

    Learn what every professional should know about the threats and risks related to smartphones - download "How to manage smartphone risks for professional users"

    Protect mission-critical networks from cyberthreats

    Find out how your mission-critical broadband network can have first-class cyber security protection. After all, broadband networks, whether private or run by commercial mobile operators, must be defended against intrusion.

    How to improve public safety response

    Data-led situational awareness is an effective way to improve public safety response. But what is needed to deliver end-to-end situational awareness? Download the pdf and you will know.

    The bridge to broadband

    Learn the details of the hybrid model - the best way to build a hybrid Tetrapol and LTE network. It's a a cost-effective and secure way for public safety organizations to evolve Tetrapol towards mobile broadband.

    Risikomanagement für Smartphones im professionellen Einsatz

    Smartphones sind ständig Angriffen ausgesetzt.

    Angriffsmechanismen machen sich Schwachstellen in der Software von Browsern, E Mail-Programmen oder Betriebssystemen zunutze. Diese Themen und viele andere werden im Whitepaper behandelt.

    Sur la voie du broadband

    Le choix optimal pour développer un réseau hybride Tetrapol-LTE

    Shock-proof networks

    Learn how reliable, professional radio communication helps first responders tackle extreme circumstances.

    This white paper describes challenges related to exceptional situations and actual solutions that have helped emergency services cope with extreme situations.

    Why Secure MVNO is your next smart move

    Adopt LTE while maintaining control. Download this white paper and the following questions will be answered:

    What are the options for a PMR network operator to adopt new broadband solutions? What is the best way? What can be done right away? And why is it so important to maintain control?

    How to get more from your TETRA network and build your future, too

    Start your future today! Get expert advice for step 1 in your PMR evolution from TETRA to broadband.

    Why service quality is something to think about today

    Know how your network is performing - how to overcome the new challenges that critical communications service operators face related to controlling the service quality in a hybrid network environment.


    5 ways that strong PTT services can save you money

    Are you thinking about smartphones and apps for your communications? How to use them in parallel with radios? And how to manage
    your budget?

    Download this eBook and you will learn how smart, strong and capable PTT services can save you money.

    50 powerful reasons you will want to adopt hybrid solutions

    Hybrid solutions deliver what professionals really need – a chance to improve operations while keeping operational costs low. This eBook tells you what your smart move to broadband should look like.

    Download the eBook and learn the 50 powerful reasons you will want to adopt hybrid solutions.

    How to be smarter about buying TETRA radios

    RENEWED eBook: How to be smarter about buying TETRA radios – Write a better radio RFQ/RFP and get what you need.

    If you’re looking at how to buy TETRA radios for your organization or for your network, this document is a good place to start. Download this eBook and learn to write your radio RFP/RFQ so you'll get what you really need!

    Hybrid networks related exec briefings

    How to minimize risks when introducing mission-critical broadband

    Many authorities and public safety organisations would like mobile broadband to be part of their communications. This executive briefing explains how to make a success of introducing mission-critical broadband to public safety.

    How an airport should move to LTE the professional way

    Download this executive briefing and learn how an airport can adopt the hybrid network model and secure its existing investments in communications.

    How metro companies can be smart about hybrid networks

    Expert advice for metro companies who want to be successful -

    Download this executive briefing and you will learn how to complement your TETRA network with broadband and adopt the hybrid approach. 

    How mining companies should adopt TETRA and LTE

    The hybrid model means that the mining company can continue to use a TETRA network for mission-critical voice and data and introduce mobile broadband services step-by-step.

    This paper explains how this hybrid model can best be achieved.

    Quality of Service in 4G/5G networks

    Quality of Service (QoS) is a prerequisite for critical communications services. Learn about the prioritization mechanisms which need to be available also in commercial mobile network operators' (MNO) networks used by mission-critical users - and more!

    Bringing mission-critical broadband on 4G/5G networks

    Download this paper and you will learn what is needed to bring mission-critical broadband to life on 4G/5G networks.

    Managing priorities in LTE networks

    Priorities are important for ensuring that public safety users and public safety apps get the service they need - even when a network is congested. How to ensure that public safety apps get the priority they need?

    Lucrative opportunities for MNOs

    The critical communications market is open for business – Lucrative opportunities for mobile network operators


    11 ways group communication can save time (and lives)

    11 situations where group communication can really save time for medical professionals – and where group communication could also save a life.

    How to do strong push-to-talk services the right way

    This guide tells you why industrial sites and enterprises should adopt advanced push-to-talk/push-to-x services.

    Service Operators and critical communications - the essential guide

    Mission-critical broadband - what does it take? What is a Service Operator and why is it a good idea? Find the answers from this essential guide!

    Guide to Tetrapol IP migration

    IP migration paves the way to public safety broadband. Download this detailed guide and find out why IP migration is important and why it's an important step to take.

    How to generate revenue from 5G with critical push-to-talk

    Critical communications over broadband is a service with huge potential and one that Mobile Network Operators can offer as a trusted partner.

    Learn more – Download this guide! It describes how critical push-to-talk and push-to-x services can create new revenue.

    Success stories

    Case: Beijing international airports

    Discover why Beijing Capital International Airports (PEK) and the completely new Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX) chose the same communication system to help secure their daily operations.

    Case: Quéretaro, Mexico

    One of the world’s most exciting and modern command centres is part of the reason why the 2,000,000 people living in Mexico’s state of Querétaro are among the safest in the country.

    This document reveals the secrets behind the centre's success.


    Agnet over Satcom

    Agnet is designed for critical communications and offers secure and reliable connectivity over 4G/5G networks. However, backup connectivity may be needed when in rural areas, for disaster relief or in case of temporary power outages impacting 4G/5G availability.

    Agnet over Satcom offers added resilience and extended coverage and capacity for professional users to continue to communicate without interruptions even in most demanding situations.

    Learn more by downloading the brochure!

    Agnet for public safety

    Agnet is the next-generation collaboration solution, designed for public safety. It gives professional users reliable access to mission-critical services, which deliver far more than push-to-talk over broadband, such as data, video and location services.

    Learn more about Agnet and how it is the perfect way to move your communications into the future and adopt 4G/5G capabilities.

    Agnet for Business Critical Industries

    Agnet is the next-generation collaboration solution, designed for professional users.

    It gives reliable access to critical communication services, which deliver far more than push-to-talk over broadband, such as data, video, and location services. It supports 3GPP standards and is fully compatible with 4G/5G. 

    Learn more about Agnet and how it is the perfect way to move your communications into the future and adopt 4G/5G capabilities.


    TETRA radios

    Technical specification: Tactilon Dabat, a smartphone and TETRA radio in one 
    Technische Spezifikationen: Tactilon Dabat, Smartphone und TETRA-Funkgerät in einem Gerät 
    Fiche produit: Tactilon Dabat, smartphone et radio TETRA intégrés

    Datasheet: TH9 handheld TETRA radio
    Fiche produit: TH9 Le terminal portatif TETRA 
    Datasheet: TH1n slimline TETRA radio
    Fiche produit: Radio TH1n, le portatif de poche TETRA
    Datasheet: THR9 Ex ATEX TETRA radio
    Datasheet: THR880i plus handheld TETRA radio
    Datasheet: TMR880i TETRA mobile radio
    Datasheet: TW1m TETRA modem

    Datasheet: Taqto for smart radio management  
    Fiche produit: Taqto - La gestion des terminaux simplifiée

    Tetrapol radios

    Datasheet: TPH900 handheld radio 
    Fiche produit: TPH900 terminal portatif 
    Datasheet: TPM900 mobile radio 
    Fiche produit: TPM900 radio mobile  

    TETRA Paging

    Datasheet: P8GR active TETRA pager
    Datenblatt: Aktiver TETRA-Pager P8GR 

    Professional apps

    Datasheet: Tactilon Agnet 500
    Datenblatt: Tactilon Agnet 500 (German)

    Datasheet: Tactilon Agnet 800
    Datenblatt: Tactilon Agnet 800 (German)
    Fiche produit: Tactilon Agnet 800 (French)
    Folleto: Tactilon Agnet 800 (Spanish)

    Datasheet: Tactilon Agnet 900
    Datenblatt: Tactilon Agnet 900 (German)

    Virtual core

    Datasheet: Taira 700 - Secure virtual core solution

    TETRA Servers

    Datasheet: Taira TETRA Server - The power of modern TETRA
    Datenblatt: Taira TETRA Server - Die Vorteile moderner TETRA-Funktionen
    Fiche produit: Serveur TETRA Taira - La puissance du TETRA moderne
    Ficha técnica: Servidor Taira TETRA - El poder del moderno sistema TETRA
    Datasheet: DXTA TETRA Server

    Datasheet: TCS TETRA Connectivity Server
    Fiche produit: Serveur TETRA TCS - Le serveur de connectivité TETRA (TCS)
    Datasheet: Configuration and Data Distribution (CDD) Server
    Fiche produit: Le serveur TETRA CDD (Configuration et Distribution des Données)


    TETRA base stations

    Datasheet: TB4 hybrid base station
    Fiche produit: Station de base hybride TETRA TB4
    Datasheet: TB3 TETRA base station
    Fiche produit: Station de base TETRA TB3
    Datasheet: TB3p mini TETRA base station
    Datenblatt: TB3p Mini TETRA Basisstation
    Fiche produit: Mini-station de base TETRA TB3p
    Datasheet: TB3hp mini TETRA base station with high power
    Fiche produit: Mini-station de base TETRA TB3hp
    Datasheet: TB3c – uncompromised coverage for smaller spaces

    TETRA networks and elements

    Datasheet: Claricor 7.2 TETRA system
    Fiche produit: Système TETRA Claricor 7.2
    Datasheet: Deployable TETRA network
    Fiche produit: Le réseau TETRA déployable
    Datasheet: RCS9500 next generation dispatching solution
    Fiche produit: Système de console radio 9500
    Datasheet: Viewcor puts Big Data to use
    Fiche produit: Viewcor met en œuvre le ”Big Data”
    Datenblatt: Viewcor
    Datasheet: TETRA Element Monitor ElMo
    Fiche produit: Moniteur d’éléments TETRA (ELMO) 
    Datasheet: NetBOSS XT for TETRA
    Datasheet: OM100 situation awareness for control rooms
    Fiche produit: L'application OM 100
    Datasheet: TETRA Voice Gateway
    Fiche produit: Passerelle de voix TETRA
    Datasheet: AR-C recorder for Claricor systems

    Tetrapol networks and elements

    Datasheet: Independent Digital Repeater evolution IDRe
    Datasheet: Line Access Gate -IP LAG-IP

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    The mission is critical blog

    The Mission is Critical blog

    The Mission is Critical blog gives you insights into the professional and public safety broadband, mission critical user experience, secure and critical communications, hybrid narrowband-broadband solutions and devices, critical and professional apps, radio communications.

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    Airport trolley person holding a smartphone with video on screen

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    • More info on the exciting possibilities in the new, hybrid world
    • Updates on hybrid apps as well
    • Ideas about new ways of working in hybrid environments.

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    Tactilon Agnet 500 newsletter

    Tactilon Agnet 500 is an agile cloud-based service which is constantly improved and the new functionality are introduced on regular basis.

    This newsletter is your fast lane to the latest. You also will be kept posted on use case examples and practical tips.

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    Press releases from Public Safety and Security


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    Subscribe to our press releases and get the latest news delivered to your email address.

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    PTT cloud deployment options

    There are three options for deploying Tactilon Agnet as a cloud service. Each option has its strong points and drawbacks. This infographic explains each option and their pros and cons.

    Cracking the code of IP ratings

    Do you have this wrong idea about IP protection ratings for your devices - radios and smartphones, for example?

    Check this infographic which cracks the IP rating code for you!

    The best way to boost DMO range

    Did you know that more radio power will not give you a much better range in Direct Mode (DMO)?

    This infographic shows the differences and shows you the best way to achieve the best Direct Mode range.

    The truth about Watts in your PMR radio

    Did you know? More Watts in PMR radios will not ensure maximum radio coverage. This infographic explains why. Download and print it for your quick reference!

    Webinars on critical communications

    Experts on Mission Critical

    Choose from 5 webinars

    Webinars on critical communications innovation, technology, connectivity. 5 episodes and 5 different viewpoints. Watch all five webinars - just fill in the form you see on this page.



    Watch now

    Give your details and you will get the link to every one of the webinar episodes. Watch when it's convenient for you!

    Webinars on critical push-to-talk

    Choose from 5 different webinars!

    Each of the five episodes has a different viewpoint into secure push to talk.

    You will understand the difference between privacy and security, the surprising ways critical push to talk could help your business, and learn how critical push to talk could save you money.



    Watch now

    Give your details and you will get the link to every one of the webinar episodes. Watch when it's convenient for you!